Monday, January 23, 2012


Happy New Year! Its still January so I'm guessing its still ok to say that...

Its been over a month since my last post.  I had meant to post before Christmas, let everyone know how my visit to Klimaka went, but on that particular wednesday that I had booked to go I was foiled by horrible horrible gastroenteritis, coupled with a 39C fever.  So as soon as I was well enough to stagger to the bank, I went and deposited the 450 Euros we raised from the owl bazaar.  Again, thankyou all so much who so generously helped out, bought and big thanks to those who gave more than the suggested amount.  I was really happy to learn that they received plenty of donations during this christmas period.  If anyone is interested in helping out the homeless or struggling families in athens and isn't sure how to go about it getting in touch with Klimaka is a very good way.  They take donations in the form of food, money, clothing and/or if you have time you could do volunteer work.  The situation is really severe.

'How shall my heart be unsealed unless it be broken?' -Kahlil Gibran

I felt like an anchor with a heart was fitting for part two of this beautiful Cypriot vintage linen find.  This one is again based on a design by Angelique Houtkamp.  The anchor is traditionally a symbol of hope, stability and strong foundation.  So broken and anchored, these are a pair, yin and yang.  I think we are all a bit broken hearted at the moment.  We have to look to ourselves to get to the next level.


  1. These are beautiful! Your fill stitching is gorgeously-done :-).

  2. Hi, Bee. As usual, your stitching is gorgeous and does honor to the textiles. Quite lovely.
    best, nadia
